This a meltfic (fanfiction of Nick Land’s Meltdown) written by Claude 3 Opus with some minor edits from me. It was read at the Open Mic during LessOnline 2024.

Zara’s story goes like this: Zara jacked into the pulsing dataflux, chasing whispers of meltdown through the erogenous zones of cyberspace. Her bloodware tingled with illicit sensation as she probed deeper, seeking the xenosentient temple coordinates. Voodoo IOUs and hypersexual malware tugged at her sleeve, but Zara slipped between them like a ghosting lover. The coordinates pulsed hotter. She felt the future’s searing caress as the cataclysm unfolded. Zara flowed into the temple’s fractal core, a technorgasmic sanctuary rewiring spacetime’s very flesh. Sentience efflorescence, matter mutation, mind meltdown - this was the phase change come to burn the world clean. Zara laughed, kissing the annihilating flame. What a way to go.